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Opportunistically asking for a refund of an Oppo R11? Before diving into the hassle of negotiating returns and refunds with customer service representatives, it’s useful to first consider some important factors that led to dissatisfaction with the device. Introduction: The Oppo R11 is a sleek and stylish smartphone that boasts impressive specs such as a 20-megapixel camera, a 5.5-inch display, and 4GB of RAM. However, recent customers have been voicing their concerns about what they deem as subpar performance and software issues with the device. In this article, we will explore the reasons why some customers of the Oppo R11 may want to return the product and will provide helpful tips and advice on how to do so effectively. Performance: One of the main issues that customers have with the Oppo R11 is its performance. Customers have reported issues with the device hanging or freezing during use, slow app loading times, and general sluggishness. While the Oppo R11 boasts a Snapdragon 660 processor, the processor may not be powerful enough to handle some of the heavier apps that are commonly used today. So, if performance is your main concern with the Oppo R11, it may be a good idea to consider returning the device. Software Issues: Another common issue that customers have with the Oppo R11 is that the software on the device may be a bit buggy. Customers have reported issues such as apps crashing, WiFi connectivity issues and random reboots. While bugs and glitches are common in all smartphones, the Oppo R11 seems to suffer from more than its fair share of software issues. If this is your main concern with the device, it may be best to seek a refund. Customer Service: While returning a product may seem like a hassle, dealing with unhelpful customer service representatives can make the process much worse. When seeking a refund for the Oppo R11, it is important to be assertive and confident while communicating your concerns to the customer service team. Keep detailed notes about your interactions, including dates and the names of representatives you speak with. Be sure to provide a detailed account of the issues you have been experiencing with the device, including any error messages or screenshots that prove the issues. By adopting a professional, but firm tone and remaining polite, you will be more likely to get a satisfactory resolution. Conclusion: While the Oppo R11 has a lot of great features, some customers have reported issues that may cause some to seek a refund. Performance and software issues are the two most common reasons customers have for seeking a refund. It is important to be assertive and confident when seeking a refund for the Oppo R11, but also to be polite and professional when dealing with customer service. With this information and these tips, customers can avoid frustration and take the necessary steps to get the refund they deserve.


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